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Image de Gwen King

The Vocal Ensemble
Femina Chorus

FeminaChorus is a vocal group of women who already have vocal and musical notions, and who come together to sing.  The program of works is classic and romantic.  The atmosphere of the rehearsals is very jovial and we laugh a lot. The artists are there to move forward, to sing, but in a relaxed and good mood.

The entry of a new chorister takes place after a meeting between the conductor and the candidate. 

When you are part of a vocal ensemble, there is an immense interest in working your voice. First of all, so as not to hurt yourself. But also, in order to have a ratio of sound production and truly optimum results. To sum up, singing with a minimum of fatigue, and a maximum of sound. The third reason is found in the homogeneity of the color of the whole. When all voices are directed  in the same direction, we can see that the sound quality is really good, and we arrive at the ideal equation, that is to say that the listener has the feeling of having almost only one voice which sing in front of him. 

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